Article directories are set up so that Massage ball each category, sub-category, and sub-sub-category are considered by the search engines as separate entities from the directory as a whole. Here's the scoop. And any SEO expert who's worth his or her weight have been telling you that the best way to control your off site SEO is with relevancy.Word is starting to spread around about another new change to Google's algorithm coming very soon. However, the engines keep getting redesigned to assure that improper fuel doesn't clog them up so they can reach their destination point safely. ." Your content is the fuel for the engine that keeps it going. On the other hand, frivolous article placement, or generalized category selection will turn your article submissions into a total waste of time. This means that when you place your article into an appropriate and relevant category to your article's keywords, the back link you'll receive once its posted will be considered legitimate and will count toward your link's popularity. Supply the wrong fuel and it'll gum things up and seize the engine.

The search engines are, of course the engine driving the machine. . When you submit an article, consider yourself part of a huge machine. Relevancy. Here's something to think about . But once again, it has to with our favorite topic . It's that simple! Provide good quality, highly relevant content and you'll be helping the huge machine, and in turn, you'll be rewarded with legitimate back links, your readers will be able to easily find you, and you'll be able to maintain a lasting presence on the web. So as long as you're submitting your articles into the right categories, this algorithm change will only help you build strong back links and get your articles into the listings for relevant searches. And your only way in would be to follow suit and submit relevant material. Rather, it's about legitimacy, relevancy, working with and benefiting from what the search engines are doing to provide the very best content available for any search query. As this new algorithm is applied, you'll begin seeing the article directories scrambling to find ways to keep irrelevant content out of their categories. Thus each new algorithm is just another filter to push the bad fuel out through the exhaust and away from the working parts. . In other words, you could have thousands of links pointing to your site, but only those links relative to your keywords will count towards your site's link popularity.

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